function(x, model = "b", k = 2, method = "wl1fit", drawplot = F, alpha = 1, tol = 0.0001, iter = 50, orth = T) { # # C. Croux (Brussels, Belgium) and P. Filzmoser (Vienna, Austria) # # Final version for "Robust fit of two-way tables" # # # x ......... data matrix # model ..... "a"=additive, "m"=multiplicative, "b"=both (additive and multiplicative) # k ......... dimension of multiplicative model fit (has no effect for model="a") # method .... regression method: "lsfit", "l1fit", "wl1fit","lmsreg","ltsreg", "rreg", ... # drawplot .. if TRUE, a plots will be drawn # alpha ..... adjusting constant for biplot representation # tol ....... tolerance for convergence # iter ...... maximum number of iteration steps # orth ...... orthogonalize f and l at the end for biplot representation (alpha=1) # # # This program uses the following functions (not implemented in Splus): # prcomp.rob # weight.wl1 # # # DESCRIPTION: # # A robust additive and/or multiplicative fit of two-way tables can be calculated. # The bilinear model is defined by # # x_ij = mu + a_i + b_j + sum_{t=1}^{k} (f_it*sigma_t*l_jt) + e_ij # # for i=1,...,n and j=1,...,p, # with # x_ij .... (i,j) of the twoway table # mu .... overall mean \ # a_i .... row effect > additive parameters # b_j .... column effect / # f_it .... factor scores \ # sigma_t .... scaling term > multiplicative parameters # l_jt .... loadings / # e_ij .... residuals # k .... number of factors. # The additive model (model="a") includes just the additive parameters, the # multiplicative model (model="m") includes just the multiplicative parameters. # # There are different possibilities for estimating all the parameters in the # model: # method="lsfit" minimizes the sum over the squared residuals, # method="l1fit" minimizes the sum over the absolute residuals, # method="wl1fit" minimizes the sum over the weighted absolute residuals, the # weights for rows and columns are computed by the routine # "weight.wl1", # additionally it is possible to select one of "ltsreg", "lmsreg", and "rreg". # It is suggested to use the methods L1-Regression ("l1fit") or Weighted L1-Regression # ("wl1fit"). # # # OUTPUT: # # Depending on the chosen model ("a", "m", and "b"), the output of the procedure # is: # mu .... estimation of the overall mean # a .... estimation of the row effect (n x 1) # b .... estimation of the column effect (p x 1) # sigma .... estimation of the scaling term (k x 1) # loadings .... estimation of the loadings (p x k) # scores .... estimation of the factor scores (n x k) # residuals .... final residuals (n x p) # # With the option `drawplot=T', a plot is created which includes # a biplot representation of loadings and scores (for model="m" and "b", and k=2), # a residual plot (for model="a", "m" and "b"), # box plots of the parameters `a' and `b' (for model="a" and "b"). # # # Begin of the procedure: # call <- if(is.matrix(x) == F) (stop("x is no matrix.")) n <- dim(x)[1] p <- dim(x)[2] if(!length(dimnames(x)[[2]])) dimnames(x) <- list(dimnames(x)[[1]], paste("X", 1:p, sep = "") ) x_as.matrix(x) if(p > n) { # take the transposed matrix x <- t(x) transp <- p p <- n n <- transp transp <- T } else transp <- F vecn0 <- rep(0, n) vecn1 <- rep(1, n) vecp0 <- rep(0, p) vecp1 <- rep(1, p) # # weights for Weighted L1 or Rob. Regression if((method == "wl1fit") || (method == "rreg")) { # initialize matrices for row and column weights weightr <- matrix(0, n, p) weightc <- weightr } # initialize the objective function objold <- 100000000000 # # choice of the regression method imethod <- charmatch(method, c("lsfit", "l1fit", "wl1fit", "lmsreg", "ltsreg", "rreg"), nomatch = NA) if(! method <- c("lsfit", "l1fit", "wl1fit", "lmsreg", "ltsreg", "rreg")[imethod] if(method == "wl1fit") { if((n <= 2 * k) | (p <= 2 * k)) { stop("\nThe number of rows and columns should at least be > 2*k for WL1fit !\n" ) } } # # # starting values for iteration # if(model != "m") { a <- apply(x, 1, median) mu <- median(a) a <- a - mu b <- vecp0 } if(model != "a") { # starting with robust PCA f <- prcomp.rob(x, k, sca = "A", scores = T)$scores[, 1:k] # # starting with classical PCA # f <- princomp(x)$scores[, 1:k] # starting with random values # f <- matrix(rnorm(n * k, 0, 1), ncol = k) # if(k == 1) { # k is the dimension of the multiplicatice terms f <- f - median(f) sigm <- sqrt(sum(f^2)) f <- f/sigm } else { f <- f - vecn1 %*% t(apply(f, 2, median)) sigm <- sqrt(apply(f^2, 2, sum)) f <- t(t(f)/sigm) # # sorting by magnitude f <- f[, rev(sort.list(sigm))] sigm <- rev(sort(sigm)) } sigmnew <- sigm sigmf <- matrix(0, n, k) sigml <- matrix(0, p, k) } # # begin of the iteration # for(it in 1:iter) { cat("Iteration ", it, "\n") # # # regression of the columns # for(j in 1:p) { if(method == "rreg") { sigmlreg <- switch(model, a = get(method)(vecn1, (x[, j] - mu - a), int = F), m = get(method)(f, x[, j], int = F), b = get(method)(f, (x[, j] - mu - a))) weightc1 <- sigmlreg$w sigmlreg <- sigmlreg$coef } if(method == "wl1fit") { if(j == 1) { if(model == "a") weightc1 <- vecn1 else weightc1 <- weight.wl1(f, n, k) } sigmlreg <- switch(model, a = l1fit(vecn1, (x[, j] - mu - a), int = F)$ coef, m = l1fit(weightc1 * f, weightc1 * (x[, j]), intercept = F)$coef, b = l1fit(weightc1 * cbind(vecn1, f), weightc1 * (x[, j] - mu - a), intercept = F )$coef) } else { sigmlreg <- switch(model, a = get(method)(vecn1, (x[, j] - mu - a), int = F)$coef, m = get(method)(f, x[, j], int = F)$coef, b = get(method)(f, (x[, j] - mu - a))$coef) } if((method == "wl1fit") || (method == "rreg")) weightc[, j] <- weightc1 if(model == "a") b[j] <- sigmlreg if(model == "m") sigml[j, ] <- t(sigmlreg[1:k]) if(model == "b") { b[j] <- sigmlreg[1] sigml[j, ] <- t(sigmlreg[2:(k + 1)]) } } # update the parameternestimates according to the model restrictions if(model == "a") { mb <- median(b) b <- b - mb ms <- mu + mb } if(model == "m") { if(k == 1) { sigm <- sqrt(sum(sigml^2)) l <- sigml/sigm sigm <- as.matrix(sigm) } else { sigm <- sqrt(apply(sigml^2, 2, sum)) l <- t(t(sigml)/sigm) l <- l[, rev(sort.list(sigm))] sigm <- rev(sort(sigm)) } } if(model == "b") { if(k == 1) { hl <- median(sigml) l <- sigml - hl sigm <- sqrt(sum(l^2)) l <- l/sigm a <- as.vector(a + f * hl) } else { hl <- apply(sigml, 2, median) l <- sigml - vecp1 %*% t(hl) sigm <- sqrt(apply(l^2, 2, sum)) l <- t(t(l)/sigm) l <- l[, rev(sort.list(sigm))] sigm <- rev(sort(sigm)) a <- as.vector(a + f %*% hl) } ma <- median(a) mb <- median(b) a <- a - ma b <- b - mb ms <- mu + ma + mb } # # regression of the rows # for(i in 1:n) { if(method == "rreg") { sigmfreg <- switch(model, a = get(method)(vecp1, (x[i, ] - ms - b), int = F), m = get(method)(l, x[i, ], int = F), b = get(method)(l, (x[i, ] - ms - b))) weightr1 <- sigmfreg$w sigmfreg <- sigmfreg$coef } if(method == "wl1fit") { if(i == 1) { if(model == "a") weightr1 <- vecp1 else weightr1 <- weight.wl1(l, p, k) } sigmfreg <- switch(model, a = l1fit(vecp1, (x[i, ] - ms - b), int = F)$ coef, m = l1fit(weightr1 * l, weightr1 * (x[i, ]), intercept = F)$coef, b = l1fit(weightr1 * cbind(vecp1, l), weightr1 * (x[i, ] - ms - b), intercept = F)$coef) } else { sigmfreg <- switch(model, a = get(method)(vecp1, (x[i, ] - ms - b), int = F)$coef, m = get(method)(l, x[i, ], int = F)$coef, b = get(method)(l, (x[i, ] - ms - b))$coef) } if((method == "wl1fit") || (method == "rreg")) weightr[i, ] <- weightr1 if(model == "a") a[i] <- sigmfreg if(model == "m") sigmf[i, ] <- t(sigmfreg[1:k]) if(model == "b") { a[i] <- sigmfreg[1] sigmf[i, ] <- t(sigmfreg[2:(k + 1)]) } } # update the parameter estimates according to the model restrictions if(model == "a") { ma <- median(a) a <- a - ma mu <- ms + ma } if(model == "m") { if(k == 1) { sigmnew <- sqrt(sum(sigmf^2)) f <- sigmf/sigmnew sigmnew <- as.matrix(sigmnew) } else { f <- sigmf sigmnew <- sqrt(apply(sigmf^2, 2, sum)) f <- t(t(sigmf)/sigmnew) f <- f[, rev(sort.list(sigmnew))] sigmnew <- rev(sort(sigmnew)) } } if(model == "b") { if(k == 1) { hf <- median(sigmf) f <- sigmf - hf sigmnew <- sqrt(sum(f^2)) f <- f/sigmnew sigmnew <- as.matrix(sigmnew) b <- as.vector(b + l * hf) } else { hf <- apply(sigmf, 2, median) f <- sigmf - vecn1 %*% t(hf) sigmnew <- sqrt(apply(f^2, 2, sum)) f <- t(t(f)/sigmnew) f <- f[, rev(sort.list(sigmnew))] sigmnew <- rev(sort(sigmnew)) b <- as.vector(b + l %*% hf) } ma <- median(a) mb <- median(b) a <- a - ma b <- b - mb mu <- ms + ma + mb } # calculate the residuals if(method == "wl1fit") { resid <- switch(model, a = x - mu - a %*% t(vecp1) - vecn1 %*% t(b), m = x - f %*% diag(sigmnew) %*% t(l), b = x - mu - a %*% t(vecp1) - vecn1 %*% t(b) - f %*% diag(sigmnew) %*% t(l)) } else { # cat("f= ") # print(f) # sigmnew <- as.matrix(sigmnew) # cat("diag(sigmnew)= ") # print(sigmnew) # cat("t(l)= ") # print(t(l)) # cat("f%*%diag(sigmnew) = ") # print(f %*% diag(sigmnew)) resid <- switch(model, a = x - mu - a %*% t(vecp1) - vecn1 %*% t(b), m = x - f %*% diag(sigmnew) %*% t(l), b = x - mu - a %*% t(vecp1) - vecn1 %*% t(b) - f %*% diag(sigmnew) %*% t(l)) } if(method == "ltsreg") { help <- vecp0 halfn <- floor((n + 1)/2) for(j in 1:p) { help[j] <- sum(sort(resid[, j]^2)[1:halfn]) } } if(method == "lmsreg") { help <- vecp0 halfn <- floor((n + 1)/2) for(j in 1:p) { help[j] <- sum(sort(abs(resid[, j]))[1:halfn]) } } objnew <- switch(method, lsfit = sum(resid^2), l1fit = sum(abs(resid)), wl1fit = sum(abs(resid)), lmsreg = sum(sort(help)[1:floor((p + 1)/2)]), ltsreg = sum(sort(help)[1:floor((p + 1)/2)]), rreg = sum(weightc * weightr * resid^2)) cat("Convergence criterion = ", objnew, "\n") if(model != "m") { musav <- mu asav <- as.vector(a) if(length(dimnames(x)[[1]])) names(asav) <- dimnames(x)[[1]] bsav <- as.vector(b) names(bsav) <- dimnames(x)[[2]] } if(model != "a") { sigmasav <- sigmnew fnames <- paste("Fact.", 1:k) lsav <- l dimnames(lsav) <- list(dimnames(x)[[2]], fnames) fsav <- f if(length(dimnames(x)[[1]])) dimnames(fsav) <- list(dimnames(x)[[1]], fnames ) else dimnames(fsav) <- list(NULL, fnames) } ressav <- resid objsav <- objnew itersav <- it if((abs((objold - objnew)/max(objnew, 1)) < tol) || (objnew < tol)) break objold <- objnew } if(model == "a") if(transp == T) ans <- list(mu = musav, a = bsav, b = asav, residuals = t(ressav), objective = objsav, iterations = itersav, model = "additive", method = method, call = call) else ans <- list(mu = musav, a = asav, b = bsav, residuals = ressav, objective = objsav, iterations = itersav, model = "additive", method = method, call = call) if(model == "m") if(transp == T) ans <- list(sigma = sigmasav, loadings = fsav, scores = lsav, residuals = t(ressav), objective = objsav, iterations = itersav, model = "multiplicative", method = method, call = call) else ans <- list(sigma = sigmasav, loadings = lsav, scores = fsav, residuals = ressav, objective = objsav, iterations = itersav, model = "multiplicative", method = method, call = call) if(model == "b") { if(transp == T) ans <- list(mu = musav, a = bsav, b = asav, sigma = sigmasav, loadings = fsav, scores = lsav, residuals = t(ressav), objective = objsav, iterations = itersav, model = "add+mult", method = method, call = call) else ans <- list(mu = musav, a = asav, b = bsav, sigma = sigmasav, loadings = lsav, scores = fsav, residuals = ressav, objective = objsav, iterations = itersav, model = "add+mult", method = method, call = call) } # if a plots are desired if((drawplot == T) && (model != "a") && (k == 2)) { if(model == "m") { par(mfrow = c(2, 1)) } else { par(mfrow = c(2, 2)) } if((alpha < 0) || (alpha > 1)) { warning("alpha for biplot has to be in the interval [0,1] --> it is set to 1" ) alpha <- 1 } if(transp == T) { h <- lsav lsav <- fsav fsav <- h } if(orth == T) { # orthogonalize f and l for the biplot fo <- svd(fsav) lo <- svd(lsav) f <- fo$u dimnames(f) <- dimnames(fsav) l <- lo$u dimnames(l) <- dimnames(lsav) sigm <- diag(fo$d) %*% t(fo$v) %*% diag(sigmasav) %*% lo$v %*% diag(lo$d) biplot.default(f, l %*% t(sigm)) } else biplot.default(fsav %*% diag(sigmasav^(1 - alpha)), lsav %*% diag(sigmasav^alpha)) title("Biplot") persp(ressav) title("Residuals") if(model == "b") { if(transp == T) boxplot(bsav) else boxplot(asav) title("Row Effects") if(transp == T) boxplot(asav) else boxplot(bsav) title("Column Effects") } } if((drawplot == T) && (model == "a")) { par(mfrow = c(2, 2)) if(transp == T) boxplot(bsav) else boxplot(asav) title("Row Effects") if(transp == T) boxplot(asav) else boxplot(bsav) title("Column Effects") persp(ressav) title("Residuals") } ans }