Peter Filzmoser

Spanish hunting data set
This data set contains hunter surveys in a Spanish game preserve. The data set is analyzed in the paper by J.C. Martinez Avila, P. Filzmoser, and N.M. Neykov: "Statistical modeling of hunting success using hunter surveys", Austrian Journal of Statistics, Vol. 42(2), 67-80, 2013. pdf

Styrian districts data set
This data set origins from the Autrian census of 1991. It is part of a larger data set prepared by H. Rauth and G. Sedlacek: "Classification of Austria into homogeneous mathematical regions". Technical report RIS-1996-7, Dept. of Statistics and Probability Theory, Univ. of Technology, Vienna, 1996. (Unpublished).

European population data
This data set origins from the European statistical agency EUROSTAT.

Artificial data set
These are Splus commands to generate an artificial data set. The data set was used in the article "Fitting Multiplicative Models by Robust Alternating regressions" (C. Croux, P. Filzmoser, G. Pison, and P.J. Rousseeuw), submitted for Statistics and Computing.

Income per capita in 18 European countries from 1962-1994
This data set origins from the European statistical agency EUROSTAT. The logarithm of the data was used in the article "Fitting Multiplicative Models by Robust Alternating regressions" (C. Croux, P. Filzmoser, G. Pison, and P.J. Rousseeuw), submitted for Statistics and Computing.